How The World’s Best Smelling, Completely Non-Greasy Beard Oil Was Made

Sometime in March 2020, Johnny woke up to the last ‘normal’ day he’d have for the next 11 months.


And it all started as he was going through reviews for the tattoo oil that started it all to see what we could improve on.


Johnny saw tons of people saying how awesome it makes their beards feel - no itch, no dandruff, and overall a more ‘tame’ beard.


And it really embarrassed him. Sure, he thought it was cool our customers found other uses for VIVID, but he was embarrassed nonetheless.


You see, Johnny’s the type of guy who only ever wants the best for people around him. Whether it’s his friends, family or customers.


So even though VIVID was the best possible tattoo oil he could come up with - the man spent 2 whole years (& thousands of dollars) developing and testing it - he knew it was far from the best beard oil he could create.

8 Main Ingredients To Stop Beard Itch, Get Rid Of Dandruff And Tame Your Beard

After a long discussion deciding if a beard oil makes sense for us, Johnny got to work on a product he could not only be proud of, but something our customers would love.


And I kid you not, we’ve never seen Johnny work so hard.


For the next 9 months he was basically living in his lab, going through thousands of dollars of ingredients, spending night & day coming up with the perfect combination of natural oils, essential oils, botanical extracts and terpenes.


Eventually he combined 8 of the most highly effective hair-care ingredients in the world - many of which have never been used in a beard oil.


Which is a shame because these ingredients are perfect for a beard product with how perfectly light and fast absorbing, yet long lasting they are:


  • Sweet almond, calendula and licorice extract work together to completely relieve your beard itch - a feeling only comparable to a good back scratch.


  • Shea olein, jojoba, and meadowfoam seed oil let you run your hands through a soft, smooth beard without any dandruff falling out. They deeply moisturize your skin and beard throughout the day, leaving your beard soft and tame to the touch but far from greasy.


  • Avocado and tea seed oil gives your beard all the nutrients it needs to continue growing in strong and maintain it’s natural ‘glow’. Your skin will benefit as well - it’ll likely be the healthiest it’s ever been with regular use.


Once the base was formulated, Johnny added a few more supporting ingredients and with that he was ready for us to do the first round of testing.

A Little Known Oil Made All The “Greasiness” Vanish

The tests went fantastic. No, beyond fantastic. We loved it and our testers loved it - the stuff was absolutely awesome.


None of us had ever used a beard oil so smooth, that smelled that good, without any greasy feeling whatsoever.


And we were STOKED. Black Friday was coming up and we had an awesome beard oil to offer our customers.


But after completely blowing our expectations out of the water, Johnny hit us with a curveball - he said the smell and feel just wasn’t what it could be and went back to his lab for another 2 months.


Hundreds of dollars and dozens of tests later, Johnny came back to us with what he called “the perfect beard oil”.


Turns out we were just a couple ingredients shy of the completely non-greasy, exotic smelling beard oil he wanted all along:


  • Johnny added an ingredient called caprylic - a very special oil extracted from coconuts - which not only has a silky feel, but makes the heavier oils (like argan) absorb deeply into your beard much faster, and leave no greasy feeling whatsoever.


  • As well as Kukui nut oil - a regenerative oil found in the state tree of Hawaii - which is a little known ingredient that heals/regenerates skin cells and strengthens hair to keep your beard ‘in shape’.  


Johnny also tweaked the smell a bit using multiple essential oils (himalayan cedarwood, hinoki wood, and myrrh to name a few) to create a smell one could only describe as…


As if you took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp morning air blowing through an ancient rainforest to your left, with strong ocean waves crashing against the beautiful beach you’re on.


The scent opens with spicy, floral, citrus notes and flows into a deep, resinous ancient forest/berry scent. As it absorbs it ends with a smooth, spicy vanilla and floral muskiness

A test-run discount, available to you for a very limited time

After seeing our development budget, the literal non-stop work Johnny put into making Barbarian Beard Oil, and the hefty amount of money it takes to source the ingredients, we originally planned to charge around $50 per 1 oz bottle.


But after some back and forth, we decided to offer it for only $29.95 - with a slight catch.


See, we think our new beard oil is worth much more than the $29.95 we’re asking for it, but we agreed to this very undervalued price for 2 reasons:


  1. This is a test-run and 2. We want as much feedback as possible.


So if you’d like to grab a bottle at our initial test price of only $29.95 - before we raise it (or sell out) click the button below, place your order and check your mailbox in 3-5 days!